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6 Common Causes for Bumps on Gums

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crossroads_family_dentistry_va @ 6:18 pm
a patient pointing to his gums

Most people experience gum pain or irritation at some point in their lifetime. Often, the culprit is plaque and bacteria, and the resulting discomfort can be accompanied by bleeding, swelling, and redness. But sometimes, bumps can form on the gum tissue; and if you’ve noticed one on your gums, your first instinct might be to panic. However, you should instead contact your dentist and allow them to get to the bottom of the issue; they’ll be able to quickly identify and treat the problem! In the meantime, here’s more information about some of the common causes of bumps on gums.

6 Common Causes for Bumps on Gums

Here’s a little more about six of the most common causes of bumps on gums:


These are small bumps filled with liquid, air, or other soft materials. Dental cysts can form on your gums around your teeth but most form around the roots of dead or buried teeth. They grow slowly over time and rarely cause problems unless they become infected; they can painfully swell up and even put pressure on your teeth. However, this is usually easily treatable through a small surgical procedure.


These are caused by bacterial infections and can be quite painful. They’re filled with pus, and they’ll need to be drained before they can be treated. Depending on how severe the infection is a root canal may need to be performed.


These are non-cancerous lumps that develop on irritated gum tissue. Normally they don’t require any treatment and are usually painless, however, they can still be removed if necessary.

Canker sores

A canker sore is an ulcer that can form at the base of the gums and cause quite a bit of pain. They typically heal on their own within a week or two and rarely require treatment from your dentist. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be used for relief.

Mandibular torus

These are common bony growths that can appear in both the upper and lower jaw, either in clusters or alone. They’re usually hard and smooth to the touch. They typically grow slowly in a variety of shapes and don’t require any treatment.

Oral Cancer

Cancerous tumors might appear as small growth or lumps, but your dentist can quickly perform a gum biopsy to determine if the bump in question is malignant. Some associated symptoms usually include things like tongue and jaw soreness, loose teeth, trouble chewing and swallowing, and red or white sores on the guns. It’s worth noting that every routine dental checkup includes an oral cancer screening which means you definitely shouldn’t skip out on these visits.

When You Should See Your Dentist

You should contact your dentist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Throbbing mouth pain, inflammation, or fever.
  • Sores or lesions that don’t heal or progressively worsen.
  • Red or white patches inside your mouth or on your lips.
  • Lumps that don’t disappear after a few weeks.
  • Constant bad breath.

Bumps can appear on your gums without warning, and the cause isn’t always recognizable. Even though it’s possible that the bump might be nothing dire, you should still contact your dentist for examination and care.

About the Practice

Here at Crossroads Family Dentistry, our team is excited to provide patients and families in the Forest, VA area with an unmatched level of dental care! Our practice is fortunate to house four skilled specialists: Dr. Steven D. Hatch, Dr. James M. Peery III, Dr. Samuel E. Woolwine, and Dr. Carole Roberts. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange a visit for you or a loved one, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for further information or assistance. Telephone: (434) 841-1704.

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