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How to Get Through The First Week With Braces

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crossroads_family_dentistry_va @ 7:39 am
smiling woman with braces

You’re probably pretty familiar with what braces can do, but if you haven’t seen a set of them since you were a kid, you may be happy to know that modern braces are sleeker than they’ve ever been. For the most part, it’s more comfortable to straighten your teeth now than ever.

However, it’s common for the first week or so of wearing braces to be a little bit uncomfortable. The teeth will still be adjusting to the oral appliance, which takes time. Here’s how to make the first few weeks of wearing braces as easy as possible.

Brushing Teeth With Braces

One of the biggest adjustments you’re going to need to make when wearing braces will be brushing thoroughly every day. This will be easy once you get the hang of it, but cleaning your oral appliance will take some getting used to.

The best way to handle this is to start off on the right foot. Make sure your oral hygiene doesn’t slip from the very beginning, and oral hygiene will be much easier in the long run.

How to Use Orthodontic Wax

While your lips and cheeks are naturally going to get tougher with time, at first they’re likely going to be pretty sensitive to any poking wires in your mouth. This is where orthodontic wax comes into play.

If you notice a protruding wire or bracket is particularly irritating, you can ball the wax up and place it on the area. This will protect your lips and teeth from the metal.

Swishing With Saltwater for Braces Discomfort

Saltwater has notable anti-inflammatory properties, which is why saltwater rinses are used often to deal with sores in the mouth.

If your braces have irritated the mouth, you can mix a teaspoon of salt into a cup of water and gently swish it around. Try not to swallow it, as this could irritate your stomach. Spit it out, then brush your teeth so that the salt doesn’t sit on your teeth.

About Our Practice

Dentists are nothing if not specialists, and at Crossroads Family Dentistry, we specialize in making oral healthcare as easy and stress-free as possible. Everyone on our team has dedicated themselves to the process of providing high-quality, comfortable dental care. Whether you’re in need of a checkup, a crown, or a completely new smile, we have the care that you need.

If you have any questions about braces, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (434) 841-1704.

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